Da es nirgens anders hinpasst:
Hortus hat geschrieben:
Thanks for the report Arrix. This is not actually a bug, Judgement for various technical reasons is considered a melee attack and therefor can not be used while blessing of protection or divine protection is active.
Aha...Richturteil ist also eine Nahkampfattacke...
Stellungnahme aus der Community:
Joanadark hat geschrieben:
So basically....
we have an ability that:
-uses Spell Hit
-Suffers the 17% miss chance of spells
-uses Spell Crit
-scales with +Spell Damage
-cannot be used while Silenced
-cannot be used while Spell-Locked
-costs Mana
..but apparently counts as a Melee attack.
Kurioses dazu:
Sabindeus hat geschrieben:
Casting Judgement activates your Auto-Attack. This is a part of casting the spell, it is not an independent effect. Since you cannot activate Auto Attack while under the effects of Blessing of Protection, you also cannot cast Judgement (or use Crusader Strike for that matter).
If your Auto Attack is already active when you gain Blessing of Protection, and you do not turn it off manually or it doesn't get turned off for any other reason, you can Judge with impunity.
It is interesting to note that gaining the Pacify effect does not actually turn off your Auto Attack, it just causes it to fail every time the swing timer comes up, much like being out of range or not facing the right direction.
A lil history lesson for you new pallys....
In 1.9 the patch that broke us judgments for technical reason were considered melee attacks so they could proc, procs (except WF ironically....). All judgments were changed except righteousness, it got changed this patch. So ya it took blizz 2 years to figure out they changed all judgments except righteousness probably because they don't actually play a paladin.
Irgendwie lol....wenn's denn nicht so traurig wäre.